The First 24 Hours
Keep the Pad we applied at the end of the session on for 12(ish) hours (usually just till the morning) and avoid showering until the pad has been removed.
During that time, your body is pushing out plasma and the pad is absorbing it, and that's what we want!
If a leak happens, that is okay! Do your best to dry the area at the leak and be sure to keep it covered.
Again, DO NOT REMOVE for at least 12(ish) hours!
The morning after the tattoo appointment...
You'll want to start this process in the morning, (ideally about 12 to 14ish hours from the end of our appointment, but longer is fine if needed. Just not more than 24 hours)
I recommend jumping directly into a short shower WITH THE BANDAGE ON to let the warm water from the shower loosen the bandage from the tattoo and help soften anything else that has dried so we are not pulling off anything unnecessarily.
While in the shower, you'll want to wash it and clean it completely with a liquid antibacterial hand soap. Be sure you get all the residual stuff off the tattoo!
After the shower, let air dry. DO NOT USE A TOWEL. Instead use a single use paper towel if you'd like to dab it dry. But try not to over do it.
Once COMPLETELY dry, It is important to apply the Second Skin immediately to minimize the time that your tattoo is exposed. The second skin product will not stick to moisture, which is why it works for your tattoo, so if the edges of the piece are still damp from the shower, it wont adhere properly, so make sure the area is totally dry!
Applying the Second Skin
Just to say it again to make sure it is understood, you'll want to make sure the area is clean, and the EDGES AROUND THE TATTOO ARE DRY. The second skin product wont stick to moisture which is why it shouldn't affect your tattoo healing. This Second skin is going to be on for 3-5 straight days so make sure whatever it is getting sealed inside the second skin is clean and ready to start the healing process!
To prepare the Second Skin, I recommend rounding the corners of each piece with a pair of scissors. This will help prevent it from rolling up throughout the next few days.
You'll apply just one just one strip at a time starting from the bottom of the tattoo while leaving a 1 inch border from all edges of the tattoo.
Start by removing the white backing of the product. BE CAREFUL, do not let the edges fold on itself because it won't unpeel! I also recommend working with just one strip at a time.
Once all the white backing is peeled off the back of the piece, place the sticky side down on top of the clean tattoo. The edges are the most important part as the goal is to complete seal the tattoo off from exposure. Nothing in, nothing out.
Repeat the peeling process and apply each strip starting from the bottom, overlap the pieces by about an inch, and move upward to the top of the tattoo until it is all covered.
The Next 4 - 5 Days
Once the Second Skin has been applied. You're going to leave it on for 4 - 5 days. I say 4-5 days because of the amount of work we have done in your session. There is more trauma caused with this type of tattooing than your average smaller tattoos or different styles. So its important that you make sure to leave it on so you do not interrupt the healing process before the body is ready.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to keep the second skin on during this duration. You are preventing the body from creating its normal defenses by preventing the scabbing from happening. This is beneficial so that your body only has to worry about shedding the single layer of damaged skin, rather than having to worry about shedding the Skin, and also the flakes and scabby bits. So if you were to take the second skin off early, AND you prevented the bodies normal processes, then you're left with no protection at all and are super susceptible to healing complications.
Leaking is somewhat common, but that is is why I sent you home with extra pieces! If it occurs, dry the area SUPER thoroughly, and them apply an over sized patch to the area. The second skin will be ready to come off when it starts to look 'dry' underneath the barrier, or as if its starting to overly 'stick' to the bandage. That usually means the body is ready to start shedding the damaged skin.
If you notice any red irritation due to the adhesive around the edges of the Second Skin, you can peel it up slightly in that area to help with the irritation, but do not remove it entirely! The irritation will go away after its removed after a few days.
Removing the Second Skin
To remove the Second Skin, I recommend jumping into a warm shower to allow the adhesive to loosen a bit. Start from an edge near the bottom and peel it backward as close against the skin as you can. If you lift it straight up and a 90 degree angle, you'll notice it pulling up on the tattoo unnecessarily and we want to avoid that the best we can.
After the Second Skin Removal
Once you have removed the Second Skin, its going to look pretty odd. You might notice some red irritation around the edges, and your tattoo looking a bit shiny or 'milky' even. That is totally normal! Its going to need some time to adjust to being outside of the bandage and get back to being normal skin again. It can take a few weeks for it to calm down a bit.
Once the second skin has been removed, you'll start a simplified version of a traditional tattoo healing method for the next month or so. You will wash it a few times a day with warm water and an antibacterial hand soap (liquid dial gold hand soap is great). After that, pat it dry with a clean disposable paper towel. You'll then apply a tiny tiny TINY amount of moisturizer to the tattoo AS NEEDED (a basic white hand lotion is ideal. Aquafor (in small amounts), Lubriderm, Curel, Eucerin, etc.).
During the traditional healing month, you want your tattoo to look dry, but not dried out, and moist, but not shiny. The moisturizing process can be tricky so that's a good rule of thumb to know if your overdoing it or not! And as long as you don't burn excessively, sting excessively, or cause rashes, then the products you're using should be good!
Minor flaking will occur so be sure not to pick or scratch at it and let them fall off when they are ready. If a flake is removed before it's ready to come off, you WILL pull the ink out of that spot as well. So be careful!
A note about A&D, Ointments, and Neosporin. Most people that I know of react adversely to these products during the healing process and usually cause healing complications.
Please please PLEASEEEEEE reach out to me and ask about anything you might have concerns with. I am here to help you every step of the way to the best of my abilty.
Second Skin is a breathable barrier put in place to help minimize the risk of infection and healing complications by protecting your tattoo from outside elements allowing it to heal through its own natural processes. While your skin is going through the first stage of healing, your body pushes out a liquid called plasma which contains all of your bodies natural healing components. Now if your healing with traditional methods, that liquid will evaporate which will help create the typical scabbing and flaking that happens with your standard healing process. Then, when you apply moisturizer to your tattoo, you create a sticky surface that allows those outside elements to stick to which will increase the risk of complications.
This is where Second Skin comes in!
Second Skin seals around the edges of your tattoo and locks in those healing fluids rather than allowing them to evaporate which allows the tattoo stays hydrated. Second Skin also prevents common airborne elements such as bacteria, dirt, pet dander and hairs, dust, etc to reach your tattoo. Second Skin is also permeable enough to allow excess water vapor and oxygen to pass through which allows the body to maintain what it naturally needs. Because Second Skin is breathable, it also means you can wear it for multiple days at a time so it stays protected longer!
If you have any questions or concerns with your Second Skin, please ask them! I am quickest to respond via Instagram, but I am also super quick with an email as well! I want you to feel comfortable and confident with the healing process, so please don't hesitate!